Class Beech- Shopkeepers and Customers!
We worked in pairs and made our own shops. We bought items and paid for the items using the least amount of coins we could. Then we...
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Reception stay and play!
Reception really enjoyed stay and play this week! Thank you for sharing in our school experiences.
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PE Stars in Pine
This term in PE we've been looking at developing our cognitive skills, our learning goals are as follows: ALL of us can name things we're...
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PE Stars in Elm
This term in PE we've been looking at developing our cognitive skills, our learning goals are as follows: ALL of us can understand and...
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Willows PE Stars
This term in PE we've been looking at developing our cognitive skills, our learning goals are as follows: ALL of us can understand and...
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Sycamores PE Stars
This term in PE we've been looking at developing our cognitive skills, our learning goals are as follows: ALL of us can understand and...
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PE Superstars in Beech
This term in PE we've been looking at developing our cognitive skills, our learning goals are as follows: ALL of us can name things we're...
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Confucius Institute came to Class Beech
Qun from the Confucius Institute taught us about how Chinese people celebrate their New Year. We learned about the race of the Zodiac,...
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After we learnt so much about 'The Naughty Bus' we decided we wanted to learn more about different forms of transport. In Hazel...
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Kindness Trophy Award Winners
CONGRATULATIONS Here you can find the Kindness Trophy award winners, take a look below to see who's won. Thank you to the children...
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