Always learning and exploring...
This week we have been have been drawing birds from photographic sources. We decided what type of pencil to use for the task and off we...
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The very hungry caterpillar
Kindi have been exploring the very hungry caterpillar story. We have been thinking carefully all about the life cycle of a butterfly and...
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It feels like Summer is near...
The sun is out for longer and we've had some warm sunny days. Our first week back has been quick but fun. This week we have been logging...
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Outdoor Fun!
We hope you all had a fantastic Easter break and it is lovely to see all the children back at school. We have had a fun filled week in...
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Science Week - Building Bridges in Beech!
The theme for this year's British Science Week was bridges and structures. In Year 2, we first learned about how bridges are made and...
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World Book Day 2023!
This year for world book day, we dressed up as our favourite character from a book. Throughout the day, we drew our favourite book covers...
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Blue for Bobby Day 2023!
This year for Blue for Bobby day, Year 2 dressed up in blue to show their support for Bobby. Throughout the day, we took part in...
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Our learning in Beech last term!
Last term, Beech had a fantastic time in all areas of their learning! Here is some of the things that we learned and got up to. Our D.T...
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Storytime fun with Beech class and friends.
As part of National Story Telling Week, Beech class brought their teddy bears and favourite story into school. We had a wonderful time,...
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Welcome back Kindi
We are back and having fun in Kindi! This week we have been remembering all about our feelings and how we can make each other happy. The...
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