Exciting times in Year 2!
In History last term, our focus was all about the Victorians. On our launch lesson we learned all about Queen Victoria and looked at...
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London's burning, London's burning...
Whilst looking at The Great Fire of London in History we discussed good things that happened because of the fire. One big result is the...
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Painting Poppies to remember!
Pine have been paining poppies to help remember the all the members of the armed forces who have fought in past and current conflicts....
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The weather has changed!
In Year 1 we check the weather in Liverpool every day. We look at temperature, wind direction, percentage of rain and hours of sunlight....
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Rowan's Right Royal Celebration
Rowan class had a wonderful Jubilee week. We found out all about Queen Elizabeth II, her coronation and her life. We also found out about...
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The Queen's Platinum Jubilee!
We have had lots of fun celebrating this special occasion. The children were very excited when we had a special visit from two Shetland...
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A Right Royal Occasion...
Well what a busy week we have had! We have been finding out so much about our Queen and her role. We have learned lots of new...
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Fun in the sun (when its not raining)...
A catch up from last week and this week Year 1 Team
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Always exploring and discovering...
This week we have been measuring using rulers. We have been focusing on remembering the correct steps to measure correctly. We explored...
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Half term is here already...
This week we looked at graffiti artist Keith Haring and his creative work. we took inspiration from this to create Valentines cards. In...
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