We have been busy in Hazel class!
Good afternoon, everybody. We have been very busy in Hazel class over the past few weeks learning lots of new and interesting things. We...
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Busy Oak Class
We had a very busy week in Oak Class! We have planted Sunflower seeds and are now helping to look after them so they they grow into...
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Oak class are back!!
We have been very busy since returning to school on the 8th March. We are really happy to be back in school with all our friends as we...
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Fresh Start Kindi!
Good Morning to you all, This week is our last week of home learning before we all return on Monday 8th March. We are looking forward to...
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Year 2 Excellent Learners
This week we have all been excellent learners at home and in school. Children have been busy in Maths, learning how to group numbers and...
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Learning in Oak Class in Autumn One 2020
The children have had a great first half term in Year One in their new classroom. They have taken part in a wide range of learning...
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Numbers From Different Angles
With the sun shining bright in the sky, we thought we would cool off inside with some shapes and numbers. We have experienced number...
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Year Two- Home Schooling
Hello children, parents and carers. We hope you have enjoyed completing last week’s activities on Purple Mash. We have really enjoyed...
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Reception Home Learning
Dear children and families, Everyone here at Blackmoor Park Infants are missing you already and we hope you are staying safe and well. We...
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Year Two Home Schooling Tasks
Hello again children, parents and carers. We continue to hope you are all well and happy at home. On our website you will soon find many...
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