Skipping in the sunshine
The children worked together to use a big skipping rope at lunch time and took it in turns to demonstrate their good skipping skills....
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Always learning and exploring...
This week we have been have been drawing birds from photographic sources. We decided what type of pencil to use for the task and off we...
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London's burning, London's burning...
Whilst looking at The Great Fire of London in History we discussed good things that happened because of the fire. One big result is the...
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The week the snow came back...
This week we have been on weather watch. Will the snow stick or not? We weren't hopeful but on Friday morning we woke up to a blanket of...
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December is here...
This week we have been looking at the weather and appropriate clothes in science. During sessions Music we have been rehearsing our...
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Artists, scientists and discussions oh my...
This week we continued our printing. We used items pressed in dough to make prints. It was so exciting to see our final prints on the...
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The weather has changed!
In Year 1 we check the weather in Liverpool every day. We look at temperature, wind direction, percentage of rain and hours of sunlight....
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Precious First moments in Reception!
A warm welcome to Reception! Here are some fantastic photos of our children enjoying their first few weeks in our School. Our children...
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Its good to talk...
This week in Year 1 we have been reading Ruby's Worry. Many children in Year 1 were a bit worried before moving to Year 1. They said that...
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A great start to Year 1...
We have settled into our new classes so well. We have been so busy exploring our new classrooms and interesting lessons such as PSHE,...
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