PE Superstars!
This term in PE we focused on developing our social skills. Our learning goals are: I can play with others and take turns and share with...
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The children are excited...
Talks of the nativity are upon us in Year 1 - we can feel the excitement. We are busy singing the songs and listening to our friends say...
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Aliens love underpants in kindi
This week we introduced the story 'Aliens love underpants' the children have really enjoyed creating, counting, singing and learning all...
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We're going on a...........
This week we have been creating our own story based on our topic book. We have invented new characters and new settings for our new story...
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PE Superstars!
Last term in PE we focused on developing our personal skills. Our learning goals were: I can follow instructions and practise safely. I...
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Whatever next Kindi?
This week has been fun packed with fun and learning! Our story this week was all about baby bear wanting to go to the moon he gathers a...
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The acorn hub is fun for Kindi
On Friday to finish our week we made a fire in our Acorn hub and had some marshmallows! We spoke all about staying safe around a bonfire...
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Painting Poppies to remember!
Pine have been paining poppies to help remember the all the members of the armed forces who have fought in past and current conflicts....
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Super Scientists
In our science lesson we were learning about an important inventor and chemist called Charles Macintosh. He was born in Scotland in 1766...
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We are Number 4!
This week have been exploring the 'fourness' of four. We have been making four using lots of different resources-five frames, numicon,...
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