Christmas dinner day in Kindi 3+
We have had our Christmas dinner today 🎄 All the children enjoyed eating their dinner in the hall listening to Christmas music too!
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Party day in Kindi 3+
All the children and staff have enjoyed party day today! We had party food… We had a dance… We got presents… We had so much fun!
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So here it is merry Christmas..
..Rowan are having fun!!!! We had a great time on Friday when we all dressed in our Christmas jumpers. As a school we raised £262 for...
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Kindi 3+ are excited for our Friday singing
We have been practising our Christmas songs in kindi 🎅🏼 We are excited for perform for our families on Friday at 2:35pm!
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PE Superstars!
This term in PE we have been developing our social skills. Our learning goals are: I can play with others with help. I can work sensibly...
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PE Superstars!
This term in PE we have been developing our social skills. Our learning goals are: I can work sensibly with others, taking turns and...
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The build up to Christmas...
This we've been looking at letters and how they are formed. What types of letters do we send? What goes on the front? We wrote a list of...
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Christmas learning in kindi 3+
We have been thinking about the Christmas Nativity story and we decided to act out the story using actions… We have been practising...
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Road Safety at Blackmoor Park
We have been learning all about road safety and the importance of keeping safe. We all now know the key concepts of 'STOP' 'LOOK' and...
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December is here in Kindi 3+
Happy December 🎄this week we have been talking all about the events that happen in December. The children have enjoyed talking about...
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