Dotty madness in Kindi
This week we have been looking at dots and how we can all mark make using dots! Look how much fun we have had...
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People who help us around school (Kindi)
In Kindi we have been looking at different jobs and have started to think about different jobs of staff around our school. We went on a...
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The farm and much more!
This week has been so much fun we started it off by remembering about all of our visitors and the jobs they do... We also had the...
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Firefighters, chef’s and nurses in kindi
We have had a busy week of visitors in Kindi, thank you to our parents who have shared their jobs with us and been in to help extend our...
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When I grow up I would like to be…
In Kindi we have been thinking about different jobs we may do when we grow up! We have set up different role play areas for the children...
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Knowsley Safari Park
We had a great day at the safari park on Monday. After our guided tour of the safari drive, we watched the sea lion show whilst eating...
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Reception Bakers!
This week we have had great fun making bread. We learned all about the ingredients and where they came from. We also learned how to knead...
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Skipping in the sunshine
The children worked together to use a big skipping rope at lunch time and took it in turns to demonstrate their good skipping skills....
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Life in Reception!
We have had a fun filled few weeks in Reception. There has been lots of events happening around our school that we have been able to...
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The Teeny Weeny Tadpole - Kindi
We have been reading the story Teeny Weeny Tadpole! It's all about the life cycle of a frog. All of our activities have been super...
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