Year 2's First Week Back!
Hello and welcome to the start of a new year in Year 2. We had a lovely time last week settling down in our new classes and got up to...
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Always learning and exploring...
This week we have been have been drawing birds from photographic sources. We decided what type of pencil to use for the task and off we...
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Our learning in Beech last term!
Last term, Beech had a fantastic time in all areas of their learning! Here is some of the things that we learned and got up to. Our D.T...
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Busy days and interesting topics...
This week in year 1 has been great. Monday was a special day - Bobby's Day we all wore blue and made blue creations to hang in the hall...
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We are ready for a new term...
We are back from our break ready to learn lots of exciting new information. We have been focused and eager to explore new topics.
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December is here...
This week we have been looking at the weather and appropriate clothes in science. During sessions Music we have been rehearsing our...
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Busy Days in Year 1
Well we have had another really busy week in Year 1 with lots of lovely learning. We are getting really good at making 'the right...
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A great start to Year 1...
We have settled into our new classes so well. We have been so busy exploring our new classrooms and interesting lessons such as PSHE,...
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Growing our brains...
This week we have been learning about half's and quarters in numeracy. We went 'to the park' in PE putting on our Winter clothes and...
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Busy , warm sunny days...Lots of lovely learning!
What a lovely sunny week we have had. It has been such a busy week of learning! Our art this half term is all about how artists can be...
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