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Road Safety and SuperBOB

The Bobby Colleran Trust was created following the fatal accident on 24th October 2014 of a young boy called Bobby Colleran. Bobby was on his way home from Blackmoor Park Infant School, walking along his road with his mum Joanne, when he was knocked over and killed. Bobby was just 6 years old.


The AXA RoadSafe Schools report 2013 highlighted the worrying number of road traffic accidents that occur on roads in the vicinity of schools. The report’s findings include evidence that:

  • In 37 per cent of local school areas, at least one child sustained a road injury each year from 2006 to 2011.

  • In this period, there were 85,814 child injuries on roads within a 500-metre radius of schools, the equivalent of 1,190 incidents a month.

  • Outside of London, cities with more than 100 schools such as Liverpool, Nottingham, Manchester and Birmingham had the highest number of road injuries (deaths, serious injuries and slight injuries) around schools.


These statistics are alarming, particularly as they relate to children who are arguably the most vulnerable section of society and for whom the consequences of a serious road traffic accident can be far-reaching.

Since Bobby’s accident, his family have developed The Bobby Colleran Trust, and were registered as a charity in September 2015. As founder members of the Trust, Bobby’s parents fought hard and dedicated themselves to improving Road Safety for all children. They have campaigned for safer roads outside all schools, and have been greatly supported by the people of Liverpool & England as all parents, teachers & people, in general, are aware of how dangerous our school runs are & all fear for our children’s safety. 


Their aim as a charity is to have 20mph “Bobby Zone” Outside every school in the country, just like our Bobby Zone outside of Blackmoor Park.

If you would like to find out more or support the work of Bobby's Trust why not visit their website

Contact Us

Blackmoor Park Infant School

45-65 Leyfield Road

West Derby


L12 9EY

Telephone: 0151 228 8576


Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

If you wish to contact the Headteacher, SENDCO or Chair of Committee, then please email the school at:


Mrs J Hitchmough


Mr E Naylor


Mrs D Parker

Chair of School Committee:

Ms V Abraham

© 2024 Blackmoor Park Infant School and Kindergarten.

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