Blackmoor Park Infant School
& Kindergarten
Part of The Three Saints Academy Trust
Science is taught as a separate lesson but is linked within our Project work where appropriate. We encourage our children to be curious about natural phenomena and to be excited by the process of understanding the world around them. Key scientific terminology is introduced each lesson and knowledge is built upon throughout the school. Children are encouraged to work scientifically and carry out simple tests and experiments using equipment whilst gathering and recording data. Whilst at Blackmoor Park, children learn about plants, animals including humans, materials, seasonal change, habitats, rocks, light, states of matter, sound, earth and space and evolution and inheritance. Visits by specialists such as Mad Science enhance the delivery of our science curriculum. We also have a dedicated science week throughout the year. Lessons make effective links with other curriculum areas and subjects, especially literacy, numeracy and Computing. Activities are challenging, motivating and extend pupils’ learning. Children have frequent opportunities to develop their skills in, and take responsibility for, planning investigative work, selecting relevant resources, making decisions about sources of information, carry out activities safely and decide on the best form of communicating their findings.