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SEND and Inclusion

All governing bodies of maintained schools, maintained nursery schools and the proprietors of academy schools have a legal duty to publish information on their website about the implementation of the governing body’s or the proprietors policy for pupils with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability). This published information is updated annually.


At Blackmoor Park Infant School and Kindergarten we value and are committed to working together with all members of our school community.  Our local offer has been produced with pupils, parents and carers, members of school committee and members of the school’s staff.   We welcome your feedback and future involvement in the review of our offer, so please feel free to contact us.


The people to contact this year are:


Mrs D Parker - SENDCo - email


Mrs J Hitchmough: Headteacher

Miss V Abrahams:  Chair of School Committee

The Local Offer

This is the link for SEND information about the school's local offer. All schools are required to publish a local offer detailing the SEND support that is available at the school.

SEND Documents

Contact Us

Blackmoor Park Infant School

45-65 Leyfield Road

West Derby


L12 9EY

Telephone: 0151 228 8576


Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

If you wish to contact the Headteacher, SENDCO or Chair of Committee, then please email the school at:


Mrs J Hitchmough


Mr E Naylor


Mrs D Parker

Chair of School Committee:

Ms V Abraham

© 2024 Blackmoor Park Infant School and Kindergarten.

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