Our learning this term has enabled us to explore key concepts (Friendship, Responsibility, Resilience, Compassion) ask questions and steer our learning in a direction that interests and excites us.
This has involved an exploration of:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Should others feelings matter to me?
What else lives in the forest?
How does the forest change with the differing seasons?
How does Autumn and Winter impact on woodland creatures?
We’re going on Bear Hunt
Investigating different bears
Writing our own version of ‘We’re going on a Polar Bear Hunt’
… and now we will be writing the script for our Christmas Performance!
The author Jude Lennon came into school on Friday and through a range of assemblies and workshops helped us to combine our knowledge of the Christmas nativity story and repeated refrains from We’re going on Bear Hunt, to develop our ideas and write the script for the Reception Christmas Performance of…..
We’re Going on a Baby Hunt
The privileged few (aka: our families and loved ones) will have the joy of receiving an invitation that we have designed with the nativity characters, and 2 tickets to watch our performance on
Wednesday 18th December at 9.15am or 2.15pm