Reading BuddiesMrs WareWe love reading and we love to share books. We are excited that some Year 5 and Year 2 children are reading buddies and meet up to read and talk about their favourite stories. IMG_2402IMG_2401IMG_2400IMG_2399IMG_2398IMG_2397IMG_2396IMG_2387IMG_2392IMG_2393IMG_2394IMG_2395IMG_2386IMG_2385IMG_2383IMG_2384IMG_2382IMG_2380IMG_2381
We love reading and we love to share books. We are excited that some Year 5 and Year 2 children are reading buddies and meet up to read and talk about their favourite stories. IMG_2402IMG_2401IMG_2400IMG_2399IMG_2398IMG_2397IMG_2396IMG_2387IMG_2392IMG_2393IMG_2394IMG_2395IMG_2386IMG_2385IMG_2383IMG_2384IMG_2382IMG_2380IMG_2381