Year Two Home Schooling Tasks
Hello again children, parents and carers.
We continue to hope you are all well and happy at home.
On our website you will soon find many ideas and links to activities to be completed at home and the ‘Learning Log’ for each week gives ideas of projects linked to the topics we are studying this half term and after the Spring break holidays. Feel free to complete as many of the tasks as you wish.
We have also planned 3 activities per day for you. These will be found on Purple Mash. Your personal 'log in' details can be found at the front of your red Learning Log.

Wednesday 25th March
Spelling – adding suffixes –ing –ed –er –est and –y to root words. Complete quiz and then write sentences for 4 or 5 of the words.
2D shape game.
Geography – The Lighthouse Keeper (using vocabulary such as cliff, slope, ledge, beach, coast, bay, ocean, sea, harbour, port)
Thursday 26th March
Read story Max and the Pirates of Puddleton Bay. Children can either read the story their own or you can read together. Complete the comprehension quiz for each chapter.
2Go – Giving and following directions.
Science – Castle, which materials would you choose? Write about why.
Friday 27th March
Find out about pirates. Create an information text about pirates.
Money – solving problems with money up to 50p.
Science – Sorting solids, liquids and gasses.
Have fun completing these activities and don’t forget to also keep active. Joe Wicks has a PE lesson every day Monday to Friday at 9am