Hello everyone, we hope you are well and keeping busy.
In Reception we wanted to signpost you to the Mini Mash section of the Purple Mash website. This is specifically designed for younger children and has sections linked to each of the areas of learning that are covered in school.
You can acces it from the Purple Mash Home page by clicking on this icon-

In the right hand corner of the screen there is a Getting Started Section, that will help you get to know how to use Mini Mash.

If you click on the pin in this image it will show some additional topic areas with a range of activities we have added for you to use.

Each of the pictures in the Mini Mash Home Page will take you to range of activities that support the Early Years Curriculum.

For example this image will take you to a
range of Maths activities.
We hope that this helps you and your child to navigate the Mini Mash site.
If you have any questions or problems please email your class teacher for support.