Busy days and interesting topics...
This week in year 1 has been great. Monday was a special day - Bobby's Day we all wore blue and made blue creations to hang in the hall to remember Bobby. In PE we have been moving our bodies in different ways - being elegant and tall on our tip toes, being low and slow on our tummies. In Art we have continued looking at water colours but this week we made our own masterpieces for Mothers Day - we hope you love them! The plant topic continues in Science we looked at deciduous and evergreen trees this week. In Geography we recapped our United Kingdom knowledge - we have really enjoyed this topic. We love sharing facts about the UK. In History we looked at the fires service past and present. We know we are so lucky to have a strong fire service in 2023 unlike in 1666.
Another week has flown by and we have been loved every minute.
Year 1 Team
