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Exciting learning and Christmas activities in Sycamore class

We have had a very busy half term in Sycamore Class.

We have been learning how to take good photographs using I Pads. We took and edited pictures of ourselves for the calendars that we made.

In Art, we have been looking at Mono-printing. We created our own unique print which went on the front of the Christmas cards we made.

In Science, we have been learning all about what humans and animals need to survive and the importance of a healthy diet, exercise and good personal hygiene. We completed an experiment focussing on what happens when we have soap on our fingers and place them in some water that has pepper in it.

In Geography, we learnt the names of the seven continents and compared Liverpool in Europe to Kampala in Africa. We really loved learning the seven continents song.

We used our Music lessons to learn the songs for our Nativity performance and we worked really hard practising our lines and actions for the play.

We really enjoyed completing the Santa Hunt and the Santa Dash and thank you for your generous sponsorship.

We also really enjoyed our Christmas dinner with Miss Wilkins and we had a great party day with food, party games and dancing.

We are all very excited about Christmas and are ready for a rest!


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Blackmoor Park Infant School

45-65 Leyfield Road

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Telephone: 0151 228 8576


Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

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Mrs J Hitchmough


Mr E Naylor


Mrs D Parker

Chair of School Committee:

Ms V Abraham

© 2024 Blackmoor Park Infant School and Kindergarten.

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