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Good Morning Year 1 - Welcome to Week 4!

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Good Morning Parents, Carers and Children.

We hope you are all well and staying safe and have managed to enjoy some family snow time over the weekend.

We start Home Learning pack week 4 today.

Maths learning videos will be found on the White Rose website – we are now looking at the videos from spring term week 2.

Traditional stories is always one of my favourite genres of story to teach and I hope you will enjoy continuing this familiar story, Jack and the Beanstalk, with your child. There are so many ways to enhance your child’s learning with this book! Please feel free to follow any interests your child may have related to the text, e.g.

· If your child is interested in the animals in the story you could find out about them and research facts and information.

· If your child is fascinated by the Giant – are there any other stories with Giants in? You could investigate who Finn McCool is… (Rowan Class – can you remember?? Tell your families!!)

· Be creative together – use boxes and cartons and tubes and glue – can you make the giants castle? A good resource to use for sticking things together is masking tape - it is easier to rip than cello tape and you can paint over it. It can be bought quite cheaply in pound shops by the tools. Adding PVA glue to poster paint also ensures it sticks to shiny surfaces.

· You may then want to investigate and find out all about castles. Can you compare your own house to a castle? Are there any similarities/differences? What sort of people used to live in a castle?

Don’t forget to take photos and send them to your class teacher. We miss you and want to know all the lovely things you are doing together!

Keep checking on the Website as more stories will be uploaded later in the week for you to enjoy together. There will be ideas and activities included.

Don’t forget to check for the exciting challenges our student teachers have planned for you on Purple Mash for the next 2 weeks! Tasks include:

· Drawing a picture of your garden or creating your own perfect garden (what flowers would you have? Would you grow fruit and vegetables? Would you have any bird feeders?)

· Continuing to investigate the 5 senses – matching body parts to the correct sense. Can you carry out some sense investigations at home? Maybe find 5 nice smells and 5 smells you don’t like, or make a list of things you spot with your eyes on a walk outside and describe them using an adjective (e.g. beautiful snow).

· Recapping what you know about the 4 countries of the UK.

If you need reminding of your username and passwords please email your class teacher and they can send it out to you!

Please don’t forget we are only an email away and we will respond to your questions as soon as we can!

Remember to be kind to yourselves, if you are getting agitated or frustrated and finding work a bit of a challenge – take a break, go for a walk, have a change of scenery, give yourselves time to breath and relax, you can go back to the tasks when you feel ready to start again!

Take Care, stay safe and have a lovely week together.

Love from

Mrs Reaney, Miss Pendleton, Mrs Sullivan and Miss Wilkins.

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45-65 Leyfield Road

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Mrs J Hitchmough


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