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Hello Friend!

This week we have been reading Hello Friend as our Favourite 5 book. The story has been read daily to the children as we discuss and explore different aspects. Using the Favourite 5 approach ensures that all children learn 35 stories in depth each academic year. This week we have been talking about who our friends are in Kindi and what makes a good friend. Some of the things the children said included- ‘My friends are kind’, ‘Friends help each other’, and ‘I care about my friends’.

We have seen lots of lovely collaborative play in our new role play area. As we have been talking about looking after each other and ourselves we have developed a doctors surgery with the children.

We have continued to re-read and explore our project book- Happy to be me, this week we also talked about our sense of touch (Thank you thumbs, and fingers too...There's so much I can do with you!) We explored a range of textures in our group times.

Some of us even took our shoes and socks off to say ‘Thank you toes, you’re great to wiggle’ just like the in the book.

Next week we are having an open day in school on Wednesday, this is an opportunity for prospective new families to explore our school site and talk to the different adults along the way. In Kindi we have been helping to make our garden areas look the best they can for our new visitors, digging out weeds and planting new flowers.

We hope you come along and see what we have planted, you may even make some new friends along the way!

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