Safer Internet Day!!

Today is Safer Internet Day and it is essential we ensure our children are safe whilst using their iPads, tablets, phones or computers. The internet is a wonderful place that offers so many opportunities for children and young people to learn, connect and play. However it can also have many dangers. As the internet is always changing, being able to keep up to date with your child's internet use can sometimes feel overwhelming. However at Blackmoor Park Infants we endeavor to ensure that all our children learn to use new technologies safely and responsibly. All children have regular lessons and conversations about age appropriate games and various apps and websites and we discuss with the children what they should do if they feel uncomfortable.
Due to the ongoing pandemic children are using technology more to access their remote learning opportunities. As a result it is vital that all children are equipped with the knowledge of how to use new and developing technologies safely. This is turn ensures that children are protected from harm.
Here are some videos that you can share with your child to highlight the importance of being safe online.
Here are two stories about being safe whilst using the internet which you can also share with your child.
We have also set some tasks on Purple Mash which also emphases the importance of E-safety. In our School we have an e-safety board so we will be displaying some of completed tasks in the hall.
If have any questions or concerns please emails us at
Take care,
Mrs. Parker
Computing Coordinator