The Teeny Weeny Tadpole - Kindi
We have been reading the story Teeny Weeny Tadpole! It's all about the life cycle of a frog. All of our activities have been super exciting and the children have been super busy learners...

The sun has been shining this week and we have really enjoyed using our outdoor spaces. Thank you to all who sent in sun cream if you haven't yet could you please do so ASAP thanks!

As you all know our Reading for pleasure library is back up and running! If you could please return your books each Monday into your child's tray we will be able to change the books through our day. Thank you!
Next week we will be exploring a few 'messy play' activities if you could please make sure your child has spare clothes on their pegs this will help us to make sure they are dry and clean after doing their activity.
Thank you
Have a lovely weekend 😊
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See AllWe have been using our Dojo app this week. We hope you have had the opportunity to look through some of the lovely things we have been...