Welcome back Year 2 -Week 7
Good morning, we hope you have all had an enjoyable and restful half term break.
This week we start reading a new book called 'The Secret of Black Rock' written by Joe Todd Stanton. This is an incredibly thoughtful and emotional read and we are sure the children will love it. As always, there is a daily task related to the story to complete, please complete tasks 1-5 this week. Please read as much as possible, there are books found on Oxford Owl and also in the 'Serial Mash' section of Purple Mash. Don't forget you can also read the bedtime story books you have at home.
Read Write Inc videos will be sent for your child to complete this week. It is important that you try to complete these sessions as it forms the basis of reading fluency and spelling. Don't worry if some sounds are repeated, repetition helps children to become fluent.
This week White Rose Maths lessons focus learning on data handling, tally charts and pictograms. Again please complete Day 1-5 and there is a true/false problem for each lesson and daily challenges to develop basic number skills.
We continue to focus on World War 1, materials and completing simple fair tests, celebrations and dreams and goals. The tasks in the Project Learning Log can be completed in any order you wish. Please continue to email your class email with work so we your child's teacher can provide feedback on their learning.
We love hearing about all the additional things you are completing at home such as baking, art, PE and sports, so don't forget to let your class teacher know and we will include it in the celebration blog at the end of the week.
Have a wonderful week and keep up the hard work, we are very proud of you all.
Year 2 Team

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