Year 1 - Week 3 - We have STILL got this!!
Good Morning everyone, we hope you all had a restful and happy weekend and everyone is safe and well in your family.
This week we are going to work through the Home Learning pack week 3.
The Maths links to the White Rose videos which can be found in the Autumn term week 12 for this week. We are comparing and ordering objects and numbers. There is a cover sheet in the pack which explains exactly which video is for each day.
English is all based on the traditional story 'Jack and the beanstalk'.
Joe Wicks is still doing his PE daily work outs on You Tube. The children in school joined in with this on Friday and really enjoyed it. We have included the link below:
We will also be sending out the next set of Read Write Inc. videos for you to work through this week.
Don't forget to watch Mrs Reaney reading 'Come away from the water Shirley' and Miss Wilkins reading 'The day the crayons quit' on our blog. We will be sharing more story time sessions later in the week.
This week our project learning will include work on algorithms (instructions in computing), Florence Nightingale and facts about our country, England.
All project tasks are on Purple Mash. If you are struggling to access this site then please contact your class teacher.
Please email photographs of your work and activities to your class teacher -we love to see you having fun and learning together!
Have a great week.
Year 1 Team

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