Blackmoor Park Infant School
& Kindergarten
Part of The Three Saints Academy Trust
Our Uniform
Uniform suppliers are Briendas (Muirhead Avenue East) and West Derby Schoolwear (Eaton Road).
Please make sure you put your child’s name in their school uniform.
Uniform for Nursery (Kindergarten 3+)
Blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
White polo shirt with collar with school logo
Blue jogging bottoms with or without logo
Blue shorts
Sensible shoes which promote independence
Nursery summer uniform is optional: blue shorts and white polo shirt with school logo, summer dresses are NOT part of our uniform for Nursery children.
Sensible shoes which promote independence.
Open toed sandals in the summer term should not be worn for safety reasons.
Hair styles should not draw attention to the child or be extremely styled.
Hair Ribbons/slides must be unobtrusive and preferable in the school colours.
Uniform for Reception, Year 1 & 2
Winter Uniform
Blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
White polo shirt with collar with school logo
Long grey trousers or grey skirt/pinafore
Grey or white socks, or grey tights
Black school shoes (not trainers or sport shoes)
Summer Uniform
As above or:
Grey shorts
Blue and White School Summer Dress
No jelly shoes or sandals are allowed
All Children
PE KIT (not Nursery)
Pale Blue T-Shirt with or without the school logo.
Royal Blue PE shorts.
Black pumps are required.
Pump bag with name on it.
Hair styles should not draw attention to the child or be extremely styled.
Hair Ribbons/slides must be unobtrusive and preferable in the school colours.
Sensible black school shoes should be worn at all times.
Open toed sandals in the summer term should not be worn for safety reasons.