Blackmoor Park Infant School
& Kindergarten
Part of The Three Saints Academy Trust
Year 1 2024-25
Below you will find information relating to Year 1 school life.
Class Teachers
Mrs Bayliss and Mr Clarke (Hazel Class)
Miss Bobb (Rowan Class)
Mrs Reaney/ Miss Stickland (Oak Class)
Class Learning Support Assistant
Mr Bretell
Mr Barnham
In our English work, we develop our reading and writing skills through stories, drama, poetry and exciting, first- hand experiences. Enjoyment of reading and a love of books are encouraged through individual, guided and shared reading activities we encourage the children to read every day at home, too!
In mathematics, we take part in lots of practical activities involving number, shape, space, measure, and problem- solving. We work alone, in partners, in small groups and as a class to improve our Numeracy skills and relate them to real-life situations.
The Lunar Curriculum includes History, Geography, Design Technology, Art and ICT and these subjects are taught through topics and key questions. We are currently working on our Bears topic. The children also have weekly sessions of R.E., Music, Science and P.E.
During P.E. the children take part in athletics, dance and gymnastic activities. The children need to wear their P.E. kit to school on their P.E day.
PE Days:
Rowan Class: Tuesday
Oak Class: Tuesday
Hazel Class: Thursday
The children must bring in their reading book on a Thursday. They will receive a new reading book to take home on the Friday.
A variety of clubs are available before and after school and this programme changes every half term.
At the beginning of each academic year, parents/carers are signposted to this website where class information is available on class pages which contain lots of useful information and prompts that they can use at home with their child.
If you have any questions about Year 1, please speak to a member of our staff.